These are the 'world famous' Blue Belles, you figure out why.
Some of the players entering the field, Kevin Maher on the left and Darryl Flahavan in the green goalie kit
The Southend fans celebrate their record-breaking eighth win in a rowAs you can see, I am able to get a pretty good view of the goings-on during a matchday. I took a video on my camera today of the players leaving the tunnel and running onto the pitch, but decided against posting it because of its size, but you're all welcome to see it when I get back!
Things are continuing to go very well here in sunny Southend on Sea. I say sunny and I mean, as it typically is sunny 6 days a week here. I still can't get over how great the weather's been despite all of the things you here about English rain and such. Maybe it's all up north in Scotland and Manchester areas or something. Who knows. I've heard some say though that since the weather has been so nice lately, that we are likely to have a pretty strong winter over here. I'm just hoping that it stays away until January so that I'm not miserable at the remaining away matches this season!
I've commented before about my love for visiting stadiums, and this has been a great place for me so far. I've only been to five since I've been here, but, looking at the calendar, I should have at least 10 more before I leave, which will be nice to add to the total. My co-worker (and supervisor) Ross Hill will be leaving the club to join Arsenal, but has offered to get Michelle and I tickets for a match at Highbury, which this is the last season that they will be playing there. So that's something to look forward to; sort of like a delayed Christmas present.
As I've mentioned before, being in England is very similar to being in America in many ways. I was finally able to get around and having fish and chips for dinner last Friday night, but didn't enjoy it as much as I could have since I was suffering from a pretty severe headache at the time. It was fun to have the 'cultural cuisine' though, since it's such an iconic dish. However, I'd have to say that I've seen British people eating much more curry dishes than fish and chips and I can also say that I have had that dish now as well since I've been here. I've tried to be adventurous on the food and drink, and I think I'm doing pretty well. I doubt I would have tried curry or shellfish in the US!
Tomorrow starts another regular work week, and I definitely think I've settled in on that front. Ross was away on holiday last week so that give me a little bit of extra responsibility around the office, but it was enjoyable to have a little bit more to keep me busy and gave me a greater sense of accomplishment at the end of the week (although I had that bad headache on Friday). On the weekends I always take some time to walk up to High St. (the main shopping avenue which is actually closed to cars so that people can walk and shop). I marvel at how similar it can be to America, with a Starbucks on the corner, two McDonalds' within 500 yards of each other, a Burger King, a Subway, and a T-Mobile outlet. But its always nice to make the 2-mile or so hike up there, have some lunch, and marvel at the monument to consumerism (previous line copyright 'Mallrats').
Not much else new to report, although I'm hoping to hear that my family will indeed be coming over to visit any day now. Michelle has been a definite since July, but they are still waffling. I really hope they decide to come because it would be an amazing experience for them, but I can't push it!!
That's all until next time, take care until then!